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Romano DiNillo from Come From Away presents:

Come From The Bays

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From the company of Come From Away, Romano Di Nillo's first project Come From The Bays is an all Newfoundland affair. Representing many legendary Newfoundlanders and multiple regions this album hopes to capture the spirit of how authentic Newfoundland traditional tunes are often heard. In homes with friends and family, havin' a time. Put on the album and imagine yourself in the historical Mallard Cottage, one of Canada's oldest buildings listening to some of Newfoundlands finest from all over the island, sitting down for a live go at it! Grab a drink, some hot fish stew,  pull up a chair and have a listen!



Duane Andrews  - guitar

Aaron Collis         - accordion

Romano Di Nillo - bodhrán

Matt Glover          - mandolin

Angela Pickett     - fiddle




This project was conceived directly from conversations I've had with audience members after shows of Come From Away. Many expressed how much they loved the show and the sound of Newfoundland music. Irene Sankoff, David Hein and a brilliant music team did a fantastic job of bottling that essence. Whenever concert goers would ask for more, I'd direct them to the store with the most knowledge of Newfoundland music Fred's Records or Newfoundlands traditional music store with the BEST staff... O'Brien's Music. (When you're there, say hi to my friend Dave, the owner. His Grandfather opened the store in 1939. Newfoundland wasn't even a part of Canada then!)

I was back home in St. John's, Newfoundland for a short visit and It was a sunny Sunday afternoon at Mallard Cottage in Quidi Vidi village. This top restaurant has a brunch you cannot miss but Sundays are special. You have the pleasure of eating while  Duane Andrews and Aaron Collis play tunes of all genres including a healthy dose of Newfoundland traditional. Lucky for me, I was a guest with my bodhran. The boys are there most Sundays playing an assortment of tunes for the patrons. It was the last thing I had planned before heading back to New York.  Afterwords, we were walking and chatting as this idea formed. I had mentioned the interest in Newfoundland music and directing them to Fred's records or O'Briens Music but I realized I wanted to make an album with a genuine feeling of being in the room. Of feeling like you're at a kitchen party.  I wanted to make it with the feeling of what I was experiencing that day playing at Mallard, with people chatting, eating, listening in one of Canada's oldest structures. Duane agreed to produce it and the rest quickly fell into place. The core of the people who played that day were essential plus we added two more Newfoundlanders who have meaning to this project. Angela Pickett a fantastic fiddle/violist subs in with us on Come From Away, a longtime friend who is also from Newfoundland. Last but not least, Matt Glover. We first played at the St. John's folk fest in the 90s and I couldn't wait to work with him again. What a band! The last piece of the puzzle was a blessing from our (and I can't stress this enough) AMAZING executive producers Randy Adams and Sue Frost for supporting the idea and encouraging me along the way. Thank you.

Keeping in line with the philosophy of being in the room, we created a large kitchen party at the Mallard Cottage. There were friends, family, fish stew and a table for props of wine centering 5 musicians and tunes. The result is this album, Come From The Bays.   I hope you enjoy it as much as we had fun making it.


Mallard Cottage and Inn was instrumental in this event happening. It was the heart of the project for it's beautiful atmosphere, and it's kind and generous owners and staff. Thank you



Come From The Bays - Five band members -4 from the Bay, 1 from town but their parents are from the Bay - Because parents come from everywhere we all Come From The Bays
